www.medoraco.com | 866 - 437 - 8076 | [email protected]
SB Series
If you find that the SolarBee has quit operating, the
following checks can be performed:
Connection Check -
1) Locate the digital controller and be sure that
each PV module cord is properly connected.
2) Check that the battery is properly connected.
3) Follow each cord from the electronic controller
to its originating component and be sure it is not
Visual Digital Controller Check
SolarBee contains an LED (Light Emitting Diode)
blink sequence that indicates the machine
operation status. The blinking LEDs are found on
the Brain-board located inside the digital controller.
A solid green LED is also located on the Zahn
board. To observe the LEDs,
1) Open the door of the digital controller and locate
the laminated LED label on the inside of the door.
2) Using the LED label, locate the Brain-board and
the Zahn board. Observe and record the blinking
LEDs (color and # of blinks in succession) and solid
green LED (off or on).
3) Using the LED label, match your blink
observations to the corresponding indication. Use
the information on the next two pages to proceed.
DC Voltage Check -
If a DC voltmeter is available, the battery voltage
can be measured off of the brainboard at the 3-pin
connection (white, black, and orange leads).
1) Using the voltmeter positive lead on the white
screw terminal and voltmeter negative lead on the
black screw terminal, the voltage can be measured.
2) Record the measurement.
SCADA Information
SolarBee operation status
information can be transmitted from the machine
to a nearby monitoring station by using one of
SolarBee's various SCADA kits. Contact SolarBee
Customer Service for more information.
12 VDC+
12 VDC-
SolarBee Installation / Service Crew
SolarBee is committed to serving our
customers. Feel free to contact a SolarBee
Customer Service Representative if you
experience any problems with your SolarBee.
At SolarBee, we will get you technical support,
parts, or a service visit to make sure that your
SolarBee is back online in short time. (866)
437-8076 or [email protected]
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