Please record the serial number into any appropriate guaran-
tee documents.
You will enter your own password and information note using
the Security Function.
The SuperPIN and the UUID will be provided following the
activation of the Security Function. See Page 17.
The components used have been selected to provide a prod-
uct that has a high level of functionality and is user friendly,
safe and reliable.
A well-balanced hardware and software
design allows us to offer you a technologically advanced navi-
gation system, which is both practical and enjoyable to use.
Our customer care is there to provide support and assistance
whenever you have questions or are experiencing problems.
This manual contains a section specific to Customer Service
starting on page 41.
Copyright © 2009, version 24/09/09. All rights reserved. Microsoft
, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpo-
ration in the U.S. and other countries. Pentium
is a registered trade-
mark of Intel Corporation. The names of actual companies and prod-
ucts mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective
owners. Information in this document is subject to change without