Onni - Standing frame instructions
Timoteos Oy
5.4 Knee blocks
Measure the distance from the
foot to the lower edge of the
patella. Adjust the knee block’s
upper edge to that height from
the foot rest.
Possible adjustments for flexion,
distance or abduction will be
made in tilted position with the
user secured in the standing
6. Positioning the user
6.1 Activate the brakes on all 4
6.2 Press the release pedal with
your foot and tilt the frame using
your hands.
6.3 Open the belts and knee
blocks. The plunger on the knee
block can be locked into open
position by turning the head 90°
while pulled out.
6.4 Assist the user into the
frame and fasten the hip belt.
6.5 Close the knee blocks one at
a time.
6.6 Make the required
adjustments to foot rest and
knee block angles and distances.
6.7 Make sure that the knee
blocks, belts and all adjustment
screws are secured.
6.8 Press the release pedal with
your foot and gently lift the
frame into desired angle.
Multistand 2000 User Manual