MediaTek LinkIt™ Connect 7681 Developer's Guide
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API Function Overview
The functions provided in each API are outlined in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. For full API and
function descriptions please refer to the
MediaTek LinkIt Connect 7681 API Reference
Interface API
SPI read/write
Read and write data from and to the built-in Flash memory through a SPI
Read and write data from and to the UART interface.
Control the mode and state of five GPIO pins.
Provide simple PWM functionality on all five GPIO pins.
Table 1 The interface APIs of MT7681
Internet API
TCP/IP stack functions.
UDP protocol functions.
Provide Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) features, enabling wireless firmware
Table 2 The Internet APIs of MT7681
Wi-Fi Functions
Wi-Fi security authentication functions.
Table 3 The Wi-Fi functions of MT7681
LinkIt Connect 7681 HDK
The LinkIt Connect 7681 development board, co-designed with Seeed Studio, provides easy access
to the five GPIO pins and one UART port — each with an LED — of the MT7681, to quickly connect
peripheral controllers and electronic circuits. The MT7681 is provided on the LinkIt Connect 7681
module, which was co-designed with AcSiP. This module, which is only 15 x 18mm, will also be
available separately for direct integration into your product’s PCB.
Key features of the LinkIt Connect 7681 development board:
access to the five GPIO pins and one UART port provided by MT7681, with attached LEDs
access t0 the UART port from the USB port.
Wi-Fi antenna integrated on LinkIt Connect 7681 module
power over USB (Micro USB port)
open source hardware board reference design, including schematic, layouts, and pin
The LinkIt Connect 7681 development board will be available from Seeed Bazaar.