Step 8.
Move to Step 6.
ECG analyzing again.
shockable rhythm
Move to Step 7.
Move to Step 8 after disarm.
“Low battery, replace new battery.”:
Move to Step 1 after replace the new battery and complete the power on self test.
AHA 2010 configuration
After the electric shock is delivered, the following voice prompt would be emitted.
“It is safe to touch the patient.”
Use the metronome sound from the AED for compression rate – the unit emits a tone
corresponding at least more than 100 beats per minute (to current AHA guidelines). Note
too that the “Begin CPR.” Icon flashes at the same rate for additional guidance. At this
point, adequate chest compressions require that compressions be provided at the
compression depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) in adults.
Rescuer performs 5 cycles of CPR, each cycle include 30 times of chest compression
and 2 times of rescue breath at the rate of 30times of chest compression/2min. Or
perform the chest compression without rescue breath. The AED will remain in CPR mode
for 2 minutes or 5 cycles. After 2 minutes of CPR you will hear the following voice
The AED will then return to Step 6 which is analyzing ECG and repeat this procedure.
Ensure that no-one is in contact with the patient and proceed as before. This instruction
will be lasted until emergency physician arrives and then hand over patient to emergency
Note Performing CPR
When performing CPR watch and listen to the AED, the voice prompt “Begin CPR” will
flash. The AED emit beeps and flashing action icon at the rate of 100 times per minute
and “Give two breaths.” Voice prompt as a guide to CPR.
At least more than 2 inches (5cm) of compression depth and 100 – 120 beats per
minutes of rate are the recommended compressions under AHA 2010 guidelines.
Note: Your Mediana dealer will have trained you in the particular SCA treatment protocol
you have chosen. In all cases follow the voice prompts and visual instructions given
by the AED.