General Information
Be comfortably seated and relax. Use a footrest, when pump ing your breast
or when feeding your baby. Elevating your feet puts you into proper sitting po-
sition to avoid stress on the lower back and perineum. Hold the breastshield
between index finger and middle finger and press it gently but firmly over the
nipple, while supporting the breast a little with the same hand.
Experiment with different vacuum levels. Choose the level which works best
for you and does not cause you any discomfort. Some time may be needed
before milk flow is adequate. This is normal and the quantity of milk produced
may vary.
Pumping Time
Milk is produced on a supply and demand basis. Frequent pumping and com-
pletely emptying the breasts encourages the increase of milk supply. The milk
ejection response can be stimulated through breast massage before or while
pumping. In creasing the frequency of pumping sessions is more effective for
increasing the volume of milk than increasing the duration of each episode. If
the breasts are not engorged and if not otherwise directed by the doctor, use
the table below as a guide.
Single Pumping:
First breast
5 – 7 minutes
3 – 5 minutes
2 – 3 minutes
Double Pumping:
Pumping time will be 10 to 15 minutes.
Second breast
5 – 7 minutes
3 – 5 minutes
2 – 3 minutes