MEC-PM-798 MEC Starter Kit ManualMEC-PM-798 MEC Starter Kit ManualMEC-
PM-798 MEC Starter Kit Manual
Page 5
To be able to operate and generate electrical power, the Stirling Engine must be
heated, cooled, and connected to an electrical AC-grid. This can be the local available
230VAC 50Hz or the 240VAC 60Hz single-phase state- or national-grid, or a locally
generated 230V-50Hz/240V-60Hz single-phase AC-grid provided from a bi-directional
inverter-charger set-up with batteries. Specifically, related to split-phase systems as
available in e.g., the USA, to receive proper powering, the Engine must be connected
across the two hot wires.
: the MEC
Stirling Engine can only act as a “grid
slave”, it is not able
act as a “grid
master”, as a stand
-alone generator.
An overview of a typical Engine installation is shown in fig. 3.1 on the next page.
The mechanical aspects related to the installation are:
Heating of the Engine-head and heat-protection of the rest of the Engine and
Application: the application of heat must be limited to the Engine-head only. As
an option, the heating of the head should be mechanically regulated, to avoid
overheating, or be completely removed in an emergency-stop-situation.
The coolant-flow: the engine must be cooled sufficiently. The connections to
the engine must be made through flexible hoses and the burner seal plate (when
used) can be sealed via a flexible connection such as a polymer seal (note:
there may be a temperature protection requirement).
Mounting of the Engine: it can be mounted standing or hanging (option: up-
side-down). Horizontal mounting or mounting under any angle is also possible.
A bracket must be used to minimize vibrations. Approved mounting materials
are available via TDSP.
The electrical part of the installation and the use of the provided Controls Box is
described in detail in Chapters 4 and 5.