Page 13 Version 2
When loading the clays be sure there are no tight spots in the carousel. Occasionally machines can suffer
slight damage to the carousel.
Check throwing cycle next:
Check that the bolt holding the arm to its clamp block is tight.
Check arm for chunks missing from the black arm rubber or any other physical damage to the arm. If
damage has occurred the black arm rubber should be replaced.
Check for damage to the throwing plate, in case it has been dented, bent or burred. Ensure that no screw
heads protrude and that there are no other obstructions to the clay’s path.
Check the height of the arm over the plate across its whole surface to ensure that the clay fits under the black
rubber throwing arm strip with about 1/16” clearance. Any more than this clearance can cause the arm to break
the clay by riding over it. Adjust by raising or lowering the throwing plate with 4- ½” nuts on the plates
adjustment bolts.
2. Machine throws clays but:
The clay barely flies off throwing plate:
Check the height of the arm over the plate across its whole surface to ensure that the clay fits under the
black rubber throwing arm strip with about 1/16” clearance. Any more than this clearance can cause the
arm to break the clay by riding over it. Adjust by raising or lowering the throwing plate with 4- ½” nuts
on the plates adjustment bolts.
The arm might be bent down or the throwing plate bent up, squeezing the clay between them, the arm or
plate should be replaced or straightened.