Func onal block diagram
Device func ons are illustrated in the block diagram shown here.
Figure 1. Func onal block diagram
Saving large data files
If you expect to acquire a large amount of data to a single file when logging to external media, do not use
media forma ed with the FAT32 file system. FAT32 is limited to a 4 GB maximum file size. If the log file on
FAT32 media grows beyond that size, a "File too large" error is returned and the acquisi on stops. Before
star ng a logging session of this type, reformat the media using a different file system such as NTFS. Refer to
the Frequently Asked Ques ons help topic for more informa on about file systems.
As with any electronic device, you should take care while handling to avoid damage from sta c
electricity. Before removing the board from its packaging, ground yourself using a wrist strap or by simply
touching the computer chassis or other grounded object to eliminate any stored sta c charge.
WebDAQ 504 User's Guide
page 4