Output Module in Series Connection
Output Module in Parallel Connection
Recommended torque setting for output terminal screws is 6kgf-cm
Recommended torque setting for output terminal screws is 6kgf-cm
Total output current should not exceed the current rating of the lowest rated module that is connected in series.
Difference of rise time in each module may lead to step/ stair shape output voltage waveform during turn on.
The series voltage should be less than 60V in order to satisfy IEC60950-1 SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) requirement.
Series connection accessory: FAS-005
Connect AC power to the NMP unit and test each module to ensure proper operation.The green LED indicator on module should light up.
Measure the output voltage of each module and make sure it is within the specified output voltage tolerance range. If the load requires
a different voltage that is within the specified voltage adjustment range, adjust the voltage by turning the SVR as shown below. Turning
the SVR clockwise will increase the voltage, and turning the SVR counter-clockwise will decrease the voltage. Once the output voltages
of all modules have been tested and adjusted to the desired values, the output configuration is done.
Higher output voltage can be acquired by connecting adjacent output modules in series. Example: if a load requires 60V to
power, then two NMS-240-24 can be connected in series for this requirement. First, follow assembly steps STEP 1-STEP 6 and
install the two NMS-240-24 modules in slot 1 and slot 2. Second, adjust the output voltage of each module to 30V via SVR.
Finally, use the FAS-005 series connection accessory to connect the -V terminal of slot 1 to the +V terminal of slot 2. Measure
and verify that the voltage V terminal of slot 1 and - V terminal of slot 2 is 60V.
Higher output current can be acquired by connecting adjacent output moduels in prallel. Example: connecting three NMS-240-
12 in parallel. First, follow assembly steps STEP 1-STEP 6 and install the three NMS-240-12 modules in slot 1, slot 2, and slot
3. Second, measure and adjust the voltage of each modules to be within 0.2V. Finally, use two 3-unit parallel accessory (FAP-
010) to connect the +V and -V terminals of the three modules (left figure). The CS and GND pins of CN81 also need to be
connected together using accessory NMS-240-P3 (right figure), as shown below.