MDT Switch Actuator AKS/AKI
MDT Switch Actuator 4/8/12-fold, MDRC
Switch Actuator 4-fold
4SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 4-fold
4SU MDRC, 230VAC, 10A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 4-fold
4SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 200uF
Switch Actuator 8-fold
8SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 8-fold
8SU MDRC, 230VAC, 10A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 8-fold
8SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 200uF
Switch Actuator 12-fold
12SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 12-fold
12SU MDRC, 230VAC, 10A, C-Load 100uF
Switch Actuator 12-fold
12SU MDRC, 230VAC, 16A, C-Load 200uF
The MDT Switch Actuator receives KNX/EIB telegrams and switches up to 12 independent electrical loads . Each output
uses a bistable relay and can be operated manually via a push button. A green LED indicates the switching status of
each channel.
The outputs are parameterized individually via ETS3/4. The device provides extensive functions like logical operation,
status response, block functions, central function, delay functions and staircase lighting function. Additionally the device
provides several time and scene control. If the mains voltage fails, all outputs hold their current position. After bus voltage
failure or recovery the relay position is selected in dependence on the parameterization.
The MDT Switch Actuator has separate power supply terminals for each channel (AKS 08/12 Two contacts/phase, from
Q3 each contact own phase).
The MDT Switch Actuator is a modular installation device for fixed installation in dry rooms. It fits on DIN 35mm rails in
power distribution boards or closed compact boxes.
For project design and commissioning of the MDT Switch Actuator it is recommended to use the ETS3f/ETS4 or later.
Please download the application software at\Downloads.html
• Production in Germany, certified according to ISO 9001
• Modern design
• Fully compatible to all KNX/EIB devices
• Push Button and LED indicator for each channel
• NO and NC contact operation
• Time functions (swich-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function)
• Status response (active/passive) for each channel
• Logical linking of binary data, 8 scenes per channel
• Central switching functions and block functions
• Programmable behavior in case of bus voltage failure or return
• AKI 04/08/12: Each contact has an own supply phase
• AKS 04: Each contact has an own supply phase
• AKS 08/12 Two contacts/phase, from Q3 each contact own phase
• AKI/AKS 04: Power supply via KNX bus
• AKI/AKS 08/12: Power supply 230VAC, from Q3 via KNX bus
• Modular installation device for DIN 35mm rails
• Integrated bus coupling unit
• 3 years warranty
MDT technologies GmbH
51766 Engelskirchen
Papiermühle 1
Tel.: + 49 - 2263 - 880
Fax: + 49 - 2263 - 4588
Stand: 0312
TAW Cert