Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
Lower limit
0 … 45 °C
[19 °C]
Setting of the lower limit value for
the setpoint shift.
Only for “2Byte shift of basis
comfort setpoint value”
Upper limit
0 … 45 °C
[23 °C]
Setting of the upper limit value for
the setpoint shift.
Only for “2Byte shift of basis
comfort setpoint value”
Repeated sending at
pressed key
not active
Setting whether the shift should
be repeated at fixed intervals
while the key is held
Repetition time
200 ms – 3 s
[1 s]
Sets the time between two
telegrams of the temperature shift
when repetition is activated
Switchover considers
status object
Setting whether to perform
shifting according to the current
Not for shifting via 1 bit
Table 64: Settings – Temperature shift
Functional principle:
This function shifts the current setpoint within the set limits. When the "-" key is pressed, the
setpoint is subtracted from the last value by the set step width and when the "+" key is pressed, the
setpoint is added to the last value by the set step width.
Upper/lower limit:
The value is shifted within these limits. The function never falls below the lower limit value and never
exceeds the upper limit value.
Step width:
The step width indicates the distance between two transmitted telegrams. For example, with a step
width of 0.5 K and a setpoint value of 21°C, pressing the "-" key would cause 20.5°C and set to 21.5°C
when the "+" key is pressed.
Switchover considers status object:
If the
status value is not taken into account
when switching over, the device remembers the last
value sent and sends the next or previous value the next time it is pressed, regardless of whether
another value has been sent to the object in the meantime.
If the
status value is taken into account
in the changeover, the device sends the next higher or next
lower changeover value - with reference to the last received status value - the next time it is pressed.
If, for example, the value "1K" was sent when the last key was pressed and then the value "2K" was
sent from another location, the value "2.5K" is sent the next time the "+" key is pressed.