A.5 Remote serial display LMD
This unit is intended to be dash-mounted so that the LM-1 instrument can be mounted out of
sight. Its power is supplied by the LM-1 and it connects to the LM-1 serial port.
A.6 LM1 Aux Expander, (“AuxBox”)
The LM1 Aux Expander contains four sensors and converters:
1. RPM with inductive pickup from Cyl. 1 spark plug wire (0-10,230 RPM)
2. Thermocouple input for Type K thermocouple wire
3. Dwell Meter (0..100%) for Ignition dwell or Injector Timing
4. Absolute Pressure Transducer with variable range (0..14.5 PSI or 0..29.5 PSI).
In addition it has a Mini-DIN7 socket for the Aux Expander cable for those inputs not used or
switched of in the Aux Expander.
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