How to Connect a
Bi-AmpThree Way System
How to Connect a Bi-Amp Three Way System
McIntosh Six Channel Power Amplifier
Left MN410,
MN510, or
Right MN410,
MN510, or
Left MS440,
MS540, or MS640
Right MS440,
MS540, or MS640
Right MS10
Left MS10
Configure the Crossover Networks for BiAmp operation by
performing the following modification. When facing the
terminal side of the Crossover Network, cut the two wire
loops located on the left side. Refer to Figure 9.
1. Press the connector ends of the supplied Woofer/
Midrange Red/Black cables on to the matching
Woofer/Midrange connecting lugs. Connect the Tweet-
ers in a similar manner.
2. Attach the tinned ends of the two Red/Black Woofer/
Midrange cables to the Crossover Network WOOFER
OUTPUT terminals. The Black wire connects to a MI-
NUS (-) terminal and the Red wire to a PLUS (+) ter-
3. Attach the tinned ends of the two Red/Black Tweeter
cables to the Crossover Network TWEETER terminals.
The Black wire connects to a MINUS (-) terminal and
the Red wire to a PLUS (+) terminal.
4. Connect cables from the Outputs of a McIntosh Six
Channel Power Amplifier to the Crossover Networks,
and to a pair of McIntosh Subwoofers as indicated in
drawing below.
5. An optional modification to the Crossover Network
produces a 6dB reduction in Tweeter level. When fac-
ing the terminal side of the crossover, cut the wire loop
located on the right side of the crossover. Refer to Fig-
ure 9.