Display. The character “B” is flashing to indicate
it is ready to be changed. Refer to figure 9.
15. Rotate the VOLUME (ADJUST) Control to change
the character “B” to “M”. Refer to figure 10.
16. Rotate the INPUT Control until the character “A”
is flashing, then rotate the VOLUME (ADJUST)
Control to change the character “A” to “E”. Refer
to figure 11.
17. Rotate the INPUT Control until the character “L”
is flashing, then rotate the VOLUME (ADJUST)
Control to change the character “L” to “D”. Refer
to figure 12.
18. Rotate the INPUT Control until the “_” empty
space to the right of character D is flashing, then
rotate the VOLUME (ADJUST) Control to change
the “_” empty space to character to “I”. Refer to
figures 13 and 14.
2. Rotate the INPUT Control until “SETUP: Inputs,
(Hold INPUT)” appears on the Information Dis-
play. Refer to figure 3 on page 13.
3. Press and hold in the INPUT Control until
“SETUP: UBAL 3, On / Rename” appears on the
Display. If necessary rotate the INPUT Control to
select the UNBAL 3 Input. Refer to figure 5.
4. To switch the UNBAL 3 Input Off, rotate the
VOLUME Control Couterclockwise until the dis-
play indicates “SETUP: UNBAL 3, Off”. Refer to
figure 6.
5. Exit the SETUP Mode by several presses of the
INPUT Control.
In the following example, the UNBAL 3 Input will be
switched On.
Notes: 1. When an INPUT is swiched ON, its name will
appear on the Front Panel Information Display
when using the INPUT Control (Front Panel or
Remote Control).
6. Press and hold in the INPUT Control to enter the
SETUP MODE. Refer to figure 2, on page 13.
7. Rotate the INPUT Control until “SETUP: Inputs,
(Hold INPUT)” appears on the Information Dis-
play. Refer to figure 3, on page 13.
8. Press and hold in the INPUT Control until “SET-
UP: UNBAL 3, Off” appears on the Display. If
necessary rotate the INPUT Control to select the
UNBAL 3 Input. Refer to figure 5.
9. To switch the UNBAL 3 Input On, rotate the VOL-
UME Control until the display indicates “SETUP:
UNBAL 3, On / Rename”
10. Exit the SETUP Mode by several presses of the
INPUT Control.
In the following example, the BALANCED 1 (BAL
1) Input will be renamed to match up with the compo-
nent connected (refer to page 8, step 16).
The C49 Default Input Names (UNBAL 1, BAL 1,
COAX 1, etc.) as indicated on the Front Panel Dis-
play can be customized to a different name up to ten
characters long (TUNER, CD PLAYER, etc.). The
available characters for renaming the input include the
following: ! < > * , / - _ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E
F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z .
In the following example, the BAL 1 Input will be
renamed to “MEDIA BRDG”.
11. Press and hold in the INPUT Control to enter the
SETUP MODE. Refer to figure 2, on page 13.
12. Rotate the INPUT Control until “SETUP: Inputs,
(Hold INPUT)” appears on the Information Dis-
play. Refer to figure 7.
13. Press and hold in the INPUT Control until “SET-
UP: BAL 1, On/Name (Hold INPUT)” appears on
the Display. If necessary rotate the INPUT Control
to select the BAL 1 Input. Refer to figure 8.
14. Press and hold in the INPUT Control until “RE-
NAME: BAL 1, >BAL 1 < ” appears on the
Input Settings, con’t
Figure 6
Figure 8
On/Name (Hold INPUT)
Figure 10
>MAL 1 <
Figure 12
>MED 1 <
Figure 11
>MEL 1 <
Figure 7
SETUP: Inputs
(Hold INPUT)
Figure 9
>BAL 1 <
Figure 13
>MED <
Figure 5
On/Name (Hold INPUT)