Business name of the manufacturer: Husqvarna AB
Full address of the manufacturer: SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden
We declare that the machinery
Product name: Petrol Grass trimmer
Commercial name: Petrol trimmer
Function: Trimming grass
Model: MT 260 CLS
Type: Powered by petrol
Fulfils all the relevant provisions of Directives
2006/42/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2000/14/EC+2005/88/EC,
and tested in accordance with below standards
EN ISO 11806:2011
EN ISO 14982:2009
The conformity assessment of Directive 2000/14/EC, was done
using Annex V of the Directive. For information regarding noise
emissions and rated net power, see Technical Data Sheet.
Person authorised to compile the technical file and
make this declaration:
Name, surname : Bo R Jonsson
Position/Title : R&D Manager
Address : SE-561 82 Hukvarna, Sweden
Place and date of the declaration: Shanghai, PRC 2013/1/18