③ When the temperature of the print head is heated to the set temperature, the
filament are inserted into the feed port of the print head, and then click the feed
button. The feed length can be set to three level of 1, 5, and 10 mm, and the feed
speed can be set to three level of low speed, normal speed and high speed. After
feeding, the filament extruded from the nozzle should be cleaned up, then the
filament are loaded, and the material unload operation is the same.
② Select the pre-heating option in the Tools menu, press the Add button to set the
Extruder 's pre-heating temperature.
Through temperature setting icon to adjust the add number, you can change at
1℃, 5℃,10℃.
Change the temperature according to the filament needed, Usually PLA set at 220℃.
3D Printer User Manual
Insert spool holder and filament spool into the square holder mount
on the side of the printer.