8 If no video displayed on the screen, it means the pairing is not successful, please repeat the
above operation again. LCD DVR can support up to 4 cameras.
5.1.2 Camera On/Off
At the "Camera setting" screen, press "
" to select "Camera ON/OFF", and press
"Enter" to enter next step. Press "
" to select "Cam 1-2-3-4", and press "
" to select
"ON/OFF", then press "Enter" to confirm and press "Menu" to exit.
Remarks: Dual screen display if only set 2 cameras as “ON”.
5.1.3 Resolution
At the "Camera setting" screen, press "
" to select "Resolution" and press "Enter" to
enter next step. Press "
" to select "Cam 1-2-3-4", and press "
" to select
"VGA/HD" , then press "Enter" to confirm and press "Menu" to exit.
Remarks: maximum support 2 channel in HD resolution.
5.1.4 Brightness
At the "Camera setting" screen, press"
" to select "Brightness" and press "Enter" to