7. Tap out all parts and clean them with
a soft brush if necessary.
8. The dust fi lter can also be rinsed with
clear water.
NOTICE: Do not wet-clean the EPA
fi lter!
9. Wipe out the dust container with a
damp cloth if necessary.
Let all parts dry completely in the air
before you reassemble them.
NOTICE: Never assemble wet or
damp components or attach them to
the motor unit (E)!
1. Place the dust fi lter onto the EPA fi l-
ter in such a way that the locking lug
fi ts in the recess which is provided for
it. Twist the dust fi lter clockwise until
it fi ts securely.
2. Insert the dust fi lter with the EPA fi lter
into the dust container. The dust fi lter
must fi t correctly in the dust contai-
ner, it must not stick out at the top.
3. Insert the dust container back into
the motor unit (see the “Assembly”
chapter – “Detaching / Inserting the
Dust Container”).
Cleaning the Motor Unit, Extension
Tube and Nozzles
• Wipe down the motor unit (
), ex-
tension tube (
) and nozzles with a
damp, soft cloth if necessary. Then
dry them with a soft cloth.
• Regularly remove hair and fl uff from
the nozzles and brushes.
Cleaning the Microfi bre Floor
To make it easier to clean, the roller
can be taken out of the microfi bre fl oor
nozzle (
1. On the right-hand side of the micro-
fi bre fl oor nozzle, use a euro coin
or similar object to turn the locking
catch anticlockwise so that the two
triangles are pointing towards each
2. Pull out the roller and remove any
3. Reinsert the roller and twist the lo-
cking catch clockwise to secure it.
• Store the device in a cool, dry place
which is protected from direct
sunlight and is out of the reach of
children and animals.
• For storage, hang the device with the
suction opening (
) facing down-
wards in the wall bracket (
Picture E
• For easy storage and to save space,
the combi nozzle (
) and crevice
nozzle (
) can be secured on the wall
bracket (
) (
Picture E
If the device is not going to be
used for a prolonged period,
remove the battery (
) to be on
the safe side (see “Charging Up
the Battery”).