HT (Time before Wake-up Initializer) Command
<Sleep (Low Power)> If any modules within
range are running in a “Cyclic Sleep” setting, a
wake-up initializer must be used by the
transmitting module for sleeping modules to
remain awake [refer to the LH (“Wake-up
Initializer Timer”) Command]. When a receiving
module in Cyclic Sleep wakes, it must detect the
wake-up initializer in order to remain awake and
receive data. The value of HT Parameter tells the
transmitter, “After a period of inactivity (no
transmitting or receiving) lasting HT amount of time, send a long wake-up initializer”. HT
Parameter should be set to match the inactivity timeout [specified by ST (Time before Sleep)
Command] used by the receiver(s).
AT Command: ATHT
Binary Command: 0x03 (3 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 – 0xFFFF
Default Parameter Value: 0xFFFF (means that
long wake-up initializer will not be sent)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: LH (Wake-up Initializer
Timer), SM (Sleep Mode), ST (Time before
From the receiving module perspective, after HT time elapses and the inactivity timeout (ST
command) is met, the receiver goes into cyclic sleep. In cyclic sleep, the receiver wakes once per
sleep interval to check for a wake-up initializer. When a wake-up initializer is detected, the
module will stay awake to receive data. The wake-up initializer must be longer than the cyclic
sleep interval to ensure that sleeping modules detect incoming data. When HT time elapses, the
transmitter then knows that it needs to send a long Wake-up Initializer for all receivers to be able
to remain awake and receive the next transmission. Matching HT to the time specified by ST on
the receiving module guarantees that all receivers will detect the next transmission.
ID (Modem VID) Command
AT Command: ATID
Binary Command: 0x27 (39 decimal)
<Networking & Security> Set/Read the VID
(Vendor Identification Number). Only modules
with matching VIDs can communicate with each
other. Modules with non-matching VIDs will not
receive unintended data transmission.
Parameter Range (user-settable):
0x10 - 0x7FFFF
(Factory-set and read-only) :
Number of bytes returned: 2
Minimum Firmware Version Required: 4.2B
(previous firmware versions did not support
user-settable IDs.)
IU (DI2, DI3 Update Timer) Command
AT Command: ATIU
Binary Command: 0x3B (59 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [x 100 ms]
Default Parameter Value: 0x0A (10 decimal)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: BK (Serial Break Passing),
BO (Serial Break Timeout), CO (DO3 Timeout),
DR (Disconnect), RT (DI2 Configuration), TO
(DO2 Timeout)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: 4.30
<Serial Interfacing> Set/Read the interval at
which the status of DI2, DI3 and Break is
transmitted. Additionally, status is transmitted
whenever there is a transition. A setting of “0”
disables periodic update. DI2 or DI3 passing
must be enabled for the update to take place.
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