Scan modes
Scanning is a programmable feature that allows you to monitor a number of channels.
Channel scan
Once the scan list has been established, initiate scan by serial commands. If a conversation is detected on any of the
channels in the scan list, the radio will stop on that channel and you will be able to hear the conversation. At that time, busy
channel data is sent to external equipment or device through serial command. So, you can identify busy channel data as
decoding of received serial command from your radio in the external equipment or device.
Normally, if you try to transmit during scanning, the transmission will be made on the channel that the call was received
during the programmable scan delay time. (The scan delay time is the amount of time the radio will stay on that channel
once activity has ceased. Dealer programming of 4 ~ 7 seconds is typical). The radio will resume scanning once the scan
delay time has expired, and will continue to scan until the serial command for scan stop is inputted by extern al equipment.
After the scan resumes, if a transmission is made, the radio will transmit on the selected priority channel. This feature is
similar to priority scan TX except for selection of priority channel. You can assign a priority channel by inner dip switch only.
Scan channel delete
To temporarily delete a channel from the scan list, simply input the serial command for scan deletion to the radio while
scanning and stopped on the channel to be deleted. This will temporarily remove that channel from the scan list until the
scan is closed or the radio
s power is reset.
CTCSS / DCS Scanning
To help to block out unwanted calls to your radio, the SD-170EX series can be programmed to scan for tones.