To transmit, hold the radio 2-3 inches from
your mouth, press the push-to-talk button
on the radio side, and speak clearly into
the microphone area of the radio. For best
quality, speak slowly and in a normal tone
of voice. There is no need to speak loudly.
The button below the P-T-T bar is used
to monitor channel activity. This monitor
button (labeled MON) checks for distant,
or weak transmissions. Press and hold briefly
to check channel activity before you transmit.
When your transmission is complete, release
the P-T-T button and listen for a reply.
When not using the radio, conserve battery
power by turning the unit off. Rotate the off/
on-volume control
counter-clockwise to
The Maxon FRS-114 is equipped with a ear
speaker jack on the top of the unit. When
used, a more private reception of a radio
message is possible. This jack will accept
Maxon's WTA-9F or most standard ear
speakers with a 3.5 mm plug size.