The serial protocol supported by the ACC-513E/514E is fixed at 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit and no parity. Flow control can be selected as either hardware (RTS/CTS),
software (XON/XOFF) and none. The serial baud rate is also user configurable and
supports the following rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600bps.
Depending on the user application, the SD-170E can be connected with one or two serial
communication port to control the unit through the interface cable. Normally the radio’s DB-15
connector is connected with one communication port of the control unit to transmit or receive data.
However, if the application requires additional control such as channel change, an additional
communication port is needed to control the radio through serial command.
Figure 5.1. shows an interface cable for data communication and its inner connection. In
the connection, red lines, pins 3, 6 and 12 on the SD-170E are the minimum required
connection to transmit and receive RS-232 data, and blue lines, pins 4,10, and 11 on the
SD-170E are additional connection for handshaking. In Figure 5.2., additional connection
for radio control is added, which needs RS-232 driver to connect the RS-232 serial
port because the radio control signal uses a TTL level to provide compatibility with
former system. Detailed interface information and its use are given in next section.
Figure 5.1. Interface cable for data communication and its inner connection.