Rev. F
A lead plate type storage battery rated at 12 or 24 volts is installed in the battery frame as-
sembly behind rear cabin bulkhead or on forward side of firewall. The battery supplies current
for the airplane electrical system when the master switch is in the “ON” position only. A heavy-
duty battery solenoid switch is installed next to the battery and is controlled from the Instrument
panel by the battery switch.
The later batteries are the sealed type with the base being integrally vented. Tubes at-
tached to the case vent the battery to the fuselage bottom. Battery caps should be kept tight to
prevent electrolyte spillage. If spillage does occur, the affected area should be cleaned with a
liberal application of an acid neutralizing solution such as baking soda and water.
Earlier batteries may be the vented type, with a top manifold vent. A vinyl tube attached to
the case vents the battery out the engine air egress. If spillage does occur, the affected area
should be cleaned with a liberal application of an acid neutralizing solution such as baking soda
and water. The vent tube must be properly routed out the engine air egress as battery acid will
destroy the fabric.
This battery is considered fully charged at a hydrometer specific gravity reading of 1.265.
A low charge would be 1.225 or lower. Operating with a low charge will shorten the life of the
battery and can be prevented by recharging or operating with the electrical equipment turned off
until the battery has been sufficiently recharged.
To protect the alternator and battery from an overcharge, the voltage regulator should be
checked for a charging voltage of 13.7 to a maximum of 14.0 volts with the engine at rpm of
1000 or above.
Overvoltage protection is incorporated into the alternator control unit which will latch off
regulator output after an overvoltage event. Reset of latch off caused by either over voltage or
shorted output is accomplished by momentary turn off of supply voltage, i.e., push ALT switch
OFF then ON.
Battery charging is monitored by reference to the ammeter located in the instrument panel
on the right side of the engine instrument cluster. Should the ammeter indicate a minus deflec-
tion when engine is above 1000 rpm and/or red “ALTERNATOR OFF WARNING” light is illumi-
nated, push ALT the switch OFF then ON. Repeat two times as necessary to reset. If system
will not reset, investigate electrical malfunction as operation will be on the battery only.