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Use a rag to periodically clean the probe.
Maintenance scheduling depends on what is being measured and under what conditions.
As outlined in the guidelines, we recommend cleaning the probe at least once every three months.
Turn off the power before cleaning.
Be careful not to burn yourself when removing the probe.
As the temperature in the pipe increases, the temperature of the dust monitor also increases.
Caution: The earth line should not be removed even at the maintenance in case
it may cause a fault.
Maintenance mode can be used to confirm “current signal adjustment”, “simulated alarm output”,
“limit setting value”, and “integral setting value” by setting the Range Switch to “0”.
To use maintenance mode, connect a device with 4 to 20 DC mA measurements such as a tester to
the current output terminal.
Importance: During maintenance mode, the LED lamp “Alarm”(red) will light up and output an
alarm contact.
This mode can also be used for a loop check of the alarm when performing a trial
If you change to maintenance mode during normal operation, an alarm signal will
be output. Be careful when using maintenance mode.
When switching from the maintenance mode to the measurement mode, please reset the
power supply.
10-1. Adjustment for current signal
Set the Range Switch to“0”while pressing the Mode Change Switch.
Keep pressing the Mode Change Switch (for more than five seconds) and both the LED “LIMIT
SET” and “I.TIME SET” will light up.
The current signal can be adjusted in this condition.
Release your finger from the Mode Change Switch, and 4mA will be forced to output.
If the output value differs considerably from 4mA, adjust it to 4mA with the 4mA Volume.
Press the Mode Change Switch again, and 20mA will be forced to output.
(At the same time, all LEDs will light up.)
If the output value differs considerably from 20mA, adjust it to 20mA with the 20mA Volume.
After that, each time you press the Mode Change Switch, 4mA or 20mA will alternately be
forced to output.
To return to the normal setting mode, change the Range Switch to a value other than“0”.
10-2. Confirmation for Limit and Integration
Set the Range Switch to“0”.
Press the Mode Change Switch once.
The LED lamp “LIMIT SET”(Limit setting LED) will light up. Limit setting can be adjusted
in this condition.
(For your reference: Each LED lamp on the display shows 10%.)
If a more detailed setting is needed, adjust the “LIMIT adj.” Volume by referring to the
current output signal using a tester.
After the limit adjustment is completed, press the Mode Change Switch again.
The LED lamp “LIMIT SET”(Limit setting LED) will go out and the LED lamp “I.TIME
SET”(Integral setting LED) will light up. The integral setting can be adjusted in this
(For your reference: Each LED lamp on the display shows 3 seconds.)
If a more detailed setting is needed, adjust the “I TIME adj.” Volume by referring to
the current output signal using a tester.
(For a current output value corresponding to the time (second) to be set, use the formula
After that, each time you press the Mode Change Switch, the limit setting or integral setting
can be alternately adjusted.
To return to the normal setting mode, change the Range Switch to a value other than“0”.
:Time(s)×0.533+4 = A(mA)
Time:Number of seconds necessary to integrate.
A :Current value necessary to integrate.