JP9: Set System Bus Frequency to 100MHz
Use this 3-pin jumper to set the system bus frequency. In the normal
setting, the system automatically selects the correct frequency according
to the kind of processor installed. In the Force 100 MHz setting, the
system uses a 100 MHz system bus even if the processor is designed to
operate with a 66 MHz bus.
Jumper Cap
Normal Operation
Short pins 1-2
Force 100 MHz
Short pins 2-3
JP10: Set System Bus Frequency to 133MHz
Use this 3-pin jumper to set the system bus frequency. In the normal
setting, the system automatically selects the correct frequency according
to the kind of processor installed. In the Force 133 MHz setting, the
system uses a 133 MHz system bus even if the processor is designed to
operate with a 100 MHz bus.
Jumper Cap
Normal Operation
Short pins 1-2
Force 133 MHz
Short pins 2-3
Note: When both JP9 and JP10 have the 2-3 pins shorted, the
board is set to force a 66 MHz FSB processor to run on a 133
MHz system bus.
JP11, JP12 and JP13: Select Celeron or Joshua Processor for
Use these 3-pin jumper sets to select the processor type you are using in
the PGA370 processor socket. If pins 1-2 are shorted, the Socket-370 is
set for use with the Intel Celeron processor. If pins 2-3 are shorted, the
Socket-370 is set for use with the Cyrix Joshua processor.
Jumper Cap
Intel Celeron
Short pins 1-2
Cyrix Joshua
Short pins 2-3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3