Connecting Power, Chassis Fans, Panel, Auxiliary USB
Ports and Case Open Detect Circuit
After you have installed the mainboard into the system case, connect the
power cable from the case power supply unit to the mainboard power
connector ATX1. Connect the chassis/power fans (if your case has them)
to the 12V power supply connectors CASFAN1or PWRFAN1 on the
mainboard. If your case has a case open detect alarm, connect the cable
to the case open detect circuit J3. Then connect the case switches and
indicators to the PANEL connector on the mainboard. If your case has
extra USB ports, you can connect them to J5.
Power Connector
Locate the power cable from the case power supply unit and plug it into
the ATX1 power connector.
Chassis and Power Fans
If your case has a cooling fan installed in the chassis, plug the cable
from the chassis-mounted fan into the mainboard 12V power supply
connector CASFAN1. If your case has a cooling fan for the power supply
unit, plug the cable into the 12V power supply connector PWRFAN1.