5.2 SiDe rail rePlacemenT
1) Remove the two screws holding on the support tube set and move the support tube set out (Figure A).
2) Remove the screw holding on the end cap and remove the end cap (Figure B).
3) Loosen the four screws under the frame of the side rail (Figure C).
4) Slide the rail to back of the treadmill (Figure D).
5) Reverse Step 1-4 to install a new side rail.
After reinstalling the side rail, make sure the end cap is on first before tightening the
screws for proper gap spacing. Also be careful not to overtighten the screws, or they will poke through the top of the side rail.
fiGUre c
fiGUre D
cHaPTer 5: ParTS rePlacemenT GUiDe
fiGUre a
fiGUre b