MSC-XD3232S Product Manual
Table 4: Special Command Characters
Command example
Connects Source 1 to Destination1 and Source 2 to Destination 2, followed by displaying the Active Routing
matrix status. The <CR> is the Carriage Return character.
3.4.1 Command Names
Command names consist of one or more alphabetical characters and are case
. For convenience with
manual command entry they can also be matched using partial names. The first matching alphabetically sorted
command is used (for example: 'H', 'He', 'hEL' or 'Help' can be used to execute the Help command). However,
this feature should not be relied on with 3
party integration, since a given partial command may execute a
different command as new ones are added to the protocol.
3.5 Response Format
Most command responses consist of one or more values separated by newlines and ending with the ‘>’ prompt
consist of a Carriage Return/New Line (CR LF) pair of characters (ASCII 13 followed by
ASCII 10).
The Prompt ‘>’
A prompt character ‘>’ is displayed each time a command or chain of commands is entered, to indicate
readiness to receive additional commands. If an error occurs in response to a command, an error will be
displayed prior to the prompt with the following format:
E00: Error message
00 will contain a 2 digit decimal error code.
Table 5 shows possible error codes which may be returned in response to commands.
Error # Message
Token too long
A command name or string argument was too long.
Invalid command
Invalid command name.
Invalid argument
One or more invalid argument values.
Invalid destination
Invalid matrix destination number.
Invalid source
Invalid matrix source number.
Invalid level
Invalid matrix level number.
Invalid preset
Invalid preset number.
Unterminated string
Double or single quoted string not terminated.
Backspace limit
Devices have a limited backspace buffer size, if too many characters are
backspaced and then more characters are appended, this error will occur.
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