MATelec Australia reserves the right to alter technical data without notice
Quick Start Complete
The SMS alarm sender is now configured and has begun operation.
Refer to ME-Link Operation Manual for more information on the
operation of the ME-Link SMS module.
Use this command to request the status information of the device.
Example response:
Ver: <firmware revision>
RSSI: <signal strength>
Power: <supply voltage>
Time: <network current time>
Reminder: <on or off>
Test msg: <on or off>
Use this command to request status of all inputs.
Example response (input 1 only):
Input state as ON/OFF and corresponding alarm direction: ‘Alarm Active’ or ‘Alarm Inactive’
Alarm state: ‘Last Active’ if inactive or ‘Activated’ if active
Mon 07/12/2020 16:42
Time at which the alarm was last activated
Notified once
Alarm notification state: ‘Notified Once’, ‘Not Recorded’, ‘Not Accepted Yet’ or ‘Accepted’
Step 4 - SMS Programming (Continued)
#msg <input> on <message>
#msg <input> off <message>
Use this command to reset all settings back to defaults, including the PIN.
Example SMS Command:
SMS Command:
Are you sure you want to factory reset? Enter #reset again within 1 minute to confirm
Device has been reset back to factory defaults.
Use this command to set alarm on messages for specific inputs.
Example SMS command:
#msg 3 on High Pressure Fault
The Input 3 on message will be set to ‘High Pressure Fault’.
Use this command to set alarm off messages for specific inputs.
Example SMS command:
#msg 3 off High Pressure Cleared
The Input 3 off message will be set to ‘High Pressure Cleared’.
4.4 - Additional Informative Commands
4.3 (Continued)
Use this command to request help on what commands are available and get more detailed information about different commands.
Refer to the ME-Link Operation Manual for more detailed information on all the SMS commands.
If you would like to edit the default input on and off messages, use the below commands: