Rules Manager/Device Explorer
Page 5-24
ROI Tab for Detection Zone Geometry
Select the ROI tab to designate the area of support for the selected alarm type,
using the ROI drawing tools located in the right column.
ROI Drawing tools comprise a rectangle
and a polygon
To draw a rectangle: select the rectangle button
and press while dragging
the left mouse button to draw it in the required area. You can resize the shape by
moving the mouse pointer over the edges and then dragging each of its sides to
the desired location.
To draw a polygon: select the polygon button:
. Press while dragging the left
mouse button to draw the first line. Continue to create the edges of the polygon by
left clicking the desired vertices. Finally, make sure that the shape drawn is fully
closed: double-click the closing point. The shape becomes slightly colored,
indicating it was created successfully. You can resize the shape by moving the
mouse pointer over the edges and then dragging each of its sides to the desired
location. Note that creating a self-intersecting polygon is not possible.
Object Sizes Tab
When you set an alarm, it is necessary to set minimum and maximum bounds on
the size of subjects to be detected, in order to ignore irrelevant subjects and thus
avoid false alarms.
The bounds are set by a pair of concentric rectangles that represents the maximum
and minimum sizes (horizontal and vertical) of a subject you wish to detect. You
can move the indicators to an image location where it is easier to set the sizes
(possibly pausing the video to a captured object for sizing).
Object Size drawing tools include the
, the
, and the
Classification Tab
The Behavior Watch VDUs support the Classification feature which enables
objects detected to be classified as either 'Human', 'Vehicle' or 'Other'. This feature
is only available for the VMD, Path Detection and Static Object alarm types. Note
that Classification is set per MSF and not per individual alarm.
To enable the classification feature, select the
Use Classification
feature (with or
without perspective) on the
tab. The Human size rectangle which
appears can be resized by moving the mouse pointer over the edges and then
dragging each of its sides to the desired dimension. If perspective has also been
selected, the far human size rectangle readjusts automatically as well.