Battery Failure Override
The lock has been designed so an external PP3 battery can be
placed against the contact points surrounding the blue and red LEDs
so the lock can be opened to replace the batteries should they fail.
The procedure is as follows:
Place the contact points of the PP3 battery against the contact
points surrounding the blue and red LEDs. (The po PP3
terminal against the red LED contact point and the negative –
PP3 terminal against the blue LED.).
Enter the Master Code.
The motor will withdraw the locking pin allowing the lock to be
Replacing batteries
Key safe
Note: The procedure requires the door to be open.
Unloosen both cross tip screws on the back of the lock.
Additionally unloosen the nut behind the lower screw with
no. 19 open wrench (3/4” for UK and US). It is now possible to
take the lock from the safe door and gain access to the battery
Key safe plus
Open the door of the key safe
Remove the covering cap by loosening the four cross-headed
screws on the back of the door
Remove the four spacers that the covering cap was screwed
onto using no. 7 open wrench and then move the lock’s knob to
the closed position
Then pull the central plate upwards.
Remove the cross-headed screw at the bottom end of the plate
(at the height of the knob) and, at this point, lift the metal plate
below of the lock spindle, so you reach the nut securing the
spindle with a no. 19 open wrench. Remove it carefully. At the
same time, remove the cross-headed screw at the top end of