021-03 - Electric pasta cooker
- Beware of inexpert handling!
- Never leave the appliance on without water!
Check that the water drain release is closed. Fill the bath
with water up to the level marked. Turn on the main switch
upstream of the appliance.
Switch on the on/off switch: the warning light comes on
showing that the appliance is live. The switch has 3
working position:
POS. 3
= Bringing to temperature (max. power kW
POS. 2
= Cooking (2/3 power, kW 5/3)
POS. 1
= Keeping warm (1/3 power, kW 2.5
To turn the appliance off, simply turn the knob back to '0'
Power of 2.5 and 1,5 kW (Switch in position 1 = keeping
warm) is for connection at 400 V/3N. For connection at 230
V/3, the power becomes 1.16 and 0,70 kW.
Emptying the bath
First of all a suitable bowl for emptying the water into
should be found.
Giving the appliance a thorough clean every day (after tur-
ning it off) will keep it in perfect working order and make it
last longer.
Never clean the appliance with jets of water, whether
direct or pressurised.
Allow the machine to cool down before cleaning
Before starting to clean the appliance, disconnect from
the mains.
After having emptied the tank, remove the false botttom.
Daily cleaning
Frequently clean the surfaces using a damp cloth; water
and soap or common detergents may be used provided
do not contain abrasives or chlorine-based sub-
, such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach), hydroch-
loric acid (muriatic acid), or other solutions: stainless steel
is quickly and irreversibly corroded by these products.
Under no circumstances use the above-mentioned pro-
ducts to clean the floor under the equipment or nearby, as
fumes or any drops may produce similar destructive ef-
fects on the steel. Only rub in the direction of the satin fini-
sh. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry carefully.
Never use running water, as this could infiltrate into the in-
ner parts.
For an easier tank cleaning it is possible to overturn late-
rally the heating element.
Food stains and encrusted food particles:
wash with hot water before they harden. Should food parti-
cles have already become hard, use water and soap or
chlorine-free detergents, if necessary using a wooden
spatula or fine stainless steel wool: rinse and dry thorou-
Scale encrustations:
scale deposits on the bottom of tanks, pans, etc. should
be removed using descaling products on the market and
following the relative instructions.
should the surfaces become scratched, they must be
smoothed using extra fine stainless steel wool or abrasive
sponges made of fibrous synthetic material, rubbing in the
direction of the satin finish. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Never use wire wool for cleaning stainless steel or leave it
in contact with the steel, as very small ferrous deposits
could remain on the surface and cause the formation of ru-
st by contamination.