EN / WHISPER 3,5 / May 2006
Check the water strainer.
Check for leaks.
Regularly check the siphon vent in the cooling water
If no MASTERSWITCH is used: Switch main Power
Source Selector switch to "OFF" or switch off all
Switch on the battery switch.
Starting the generator:
By pushing the start button briefly the electric system
is activated, the fuel lift pump starts pumping and the
starting procedure will begin. (By pushing the stop
button the system is deactivated)
The Whisper 3,5 can even be started with an almost
discharged battery using the cylinder compression release
handle. The engine can then be rotated easily ("turned
over") as the valves are opened i.e. in the decompression
You can also use the decompression handle to readjust
the valve clearance and to fill the cooling system with anti
freeze for conservation in winter time.
A restart protection prevents starting the engine when it is
already running, which could cause damage.
In the event of starting problems (numerous
attempts are made), close the sea-water inlet
cock while cranking to prevent the outlet
system and engine to fill up with water.
During the starting process, the cooling water pump is
driven with the engine. The cooling water is discharged to
the exhaust outlet, because the engine does not run, the
exhaust pressure is not high enough to expel this water.
Open the valve directly when the engine starts to prevent
damaging the impeller.
Water in the cylinder will cause serious damage to the
engine. For instance; a bent piston rod or a cracked
cylinder head. In fact water in the cylinder is the main
cause for engine damage in pleasure craft.
Checks once the generator is in operation:
Check for abnormal noise or vibration.
Check the voltage.
Fig. 10: Decompression handle
Check coolant flow.
Always check immediately after starting the generator
if cooling water flows at the exhaust outlet. If this is
not the case, check the cooling water pump. After
having become acquainted with the generator you will
be able to recognise the coolant flowing through the
system by listening for the noise of the water which is
Be aware that especially in harbours the
coolant water inlet can easily be blocked by
floating objects.
Power source selector switch (off/shore
power/generator power). Switch to power source
generator. If a MASTERSWITCH is installed, this
operates automatically.
Before loading the generating set up to maximum,
have it run warm. The first 50 hours of running the
continuous load should be restricted to 70 % of maxi-
mum load. Running for long periods at no load or light
load in the first 50 hours can cause cylinder glazing
and high oil consumption.
Engine load during longer operation:
Please ensure that the generating set is not overloaded.
Overloading occurs when the electrical load (demand) is
so high that the generator cannot be turned around
properly by the diesel engine. Overloading causes the
engine to run rough, while using oil and excessive fuel and
producing soot by the exhaust. The engine can even stop.
The generator should therefore only be loaded at the
maximum rated power for short periods (2-3 hours) only!