Amperian – How to Use
Customers of Amperian. These Customers can ask you, through their Customer account, to link their
system (i.e. Amperian Interface) to your Service Organisation (see section 2.2.3). In that case, you will
receive an email message with a request to accept this.
3.5.2 Linking system while inviting new Customer
In case the device you just entered has not been registered to a Customer account yet, you will be guided
to a new page where you can enter the details of the Customer you would like to invite (see Figure 10). The
new Customer will receive an invitation email on your behalf, requesting them to create an Amperian
account. Until the Customer has accepted the invitation you will see the device you just entered and the
invited Customer as 2 separate lines in your list of connected Customer accounts, as shown in Figure 11,
where the device is identified by its serial number.
Figure 10 Place to enter details of a new customer to be invited
Figure 11 Device and invited (unactivated) customer shown separately until customer activates account
3.5.3 Linking system initially without Customer
This is a very useful feature for a Service Organisation that is first pre-commissioning a system
before offering it to its Customer.
Another option is not to have a Customer account (yet) with the device you are linking. When you are
guided to the page where you can enter the Customer details (Figure 10) you can just leave the fields
empty and click the
Register device to …
button. After having done this you will only find the device
identified by its serial number in your list of connected devices (Figure 11).