MASTERTEC SUSTRALIA ENILIGHT AutoFLEX Installation And Operation Manual Download Page 4


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     The light level is adjusted on the centre ring, le  and right for minimum and maximum, up and down for fine 
           a.  Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups
           b.  Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture 
           c.   Adjust the light to the level required for the target Group 


: Dimming level can be set using the Sun Icon 

                Maximum or minimum se ng can be achieved by pressing Min / Max 
           d.  Move onto the next change or go straight to Sync / Save * see page 7

     The mo on sensor is a key part of the automa on process. Different circumstances require sensor range 
     adjustment. The actual distances will always be approximate. In every installa on there are many variable 
     environmental factors governing the effec ve range.
           a.  Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups
           b.  Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture 
               (the same fixture if you are following on from other se ng changes)
           c.  Select: Near (~ 1- 3 metre radius)
           d.  Medium (~3 -  5 metre radius)
           e.  Far (~ 5 - 8 metre radius)
           f.   Move onto the next change or go straight to Sync / Save * see page 7


: The Mo on Sensor can be DISABLED for certain applica ons (Please see page 7)

     The ambient light sensor ensures AutoFLEX only operates in the correct light condi ons for the circumstances. 
           a.  Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups
           b.  Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture 
               (the same fixture if you are following on from other se ng changes)
           c.  Select:  


 (lights on regardless of the ambient light level)



 (lights off unless light level drops below ~200lux)



 (lights off unless light level drops below ~100lux)

           d.  Move onto the next change or go straight to Sync / Save * see page 7

     The Hold  me is the  me the system remains at the set light level a er ac vity in the group area ceases. 
     At the end of this  me the light level drops to 50% for 30s warning prior to entering Standby mode.






Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups

            b.  Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture 
                (the same fixture if you are following on from other se ng changes)
            c.  Select:  

30 seconds


3 minutes


10 minutes 

            d.  Move onto the next change or go straight to Sync / Save* see page 7

     Standby is the AutoFLEX sleep mode. It will stay in this mode un l ac vity is again detected. The light level 
     selected for Standby will depend on factors relevant to the loca on and circumstances.





Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups

            b.  Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture 
                (the same fixture if you are following on from other se ng changes)
            c.  Select  


(luminaire will turn off)



of full brightness



 of full brightness 

            d. Move onto the next change or go straight to Sync and Save* see page 7

This is where selec ons are sent to the target groups or fixtures and saved as the opera onal se ngs. 
They can be saved to all groups, to individual groups, or some mes to an individual fixture only.
 (a) To send a command to all Groups:
           Press SELECT
           Press ALL
           Press and Hold SYNC un l the fixtures blink
 (b) To send a command to a par cular Group:
           Press SELECT
           Press target GROUP NUMBER
           Press and Hold SYNC un l fixtures blink


: To send to more than one Group repeat (b)

 (c) To send to individual fixture only
           Point the remote programmer at the fixture
           Press and Hold SYNC un l fixture blinks


: To change se ngs on mul ple individual fixtures repeat (c)

The normal state is to have the sensor enabled. There may be occasions where the sensor may need 
to be disabled during set up or on fixtures near doorways and thoroughfares where passing traffic is 
causing unnecessary triggering of the group.
Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups
Point the remote programmer at the targeted fixture
(a) To Sync and Save to all Groups:
          Press SELECT
          Press ALL
          Press ENABLE or DISABLE
(b) To Sync and Save to a par cular Group:
          Press SELECT
          Press target GROUP NUMBER
          Press ENABLE or DISABLE


:To send to more than one Group repeat (b)

 (c) To Sync and Save to individual fixture only
          Point the remote programmer at the fixture
          Press ENABLE or DISABLE


: To change se ngs on mul ple individual fixtures repeat (c)

The process to clear a Group se ng or to return to factory default se ngs on individual fixtures, individual 
Groups, or the whole system is similar to Sync and Save.
Ensure power to all luminaires in all groups
Point the remote programmer at a convenient fixture
(a) To Reset all Groups:
           Press SELECT
           Press ALL
           Press and Hold RESET
(b) To Reset a par cular Group:
           Press SELECT
           Press target GROUP NUMBER
           Press and Hold RESET


: To Reset more than one Group repeat (b)

(c) To Reset an individual fixture only Point the remote programmer at the fixture
           Press RESET


: To Reset mul ple individual fixtures repeat (c)

1.   Opera onal Light Level

2.   Ac vity Sensing Range

3.   Ambient light ac va on 

4.   Time un l Standby


5.   Standby Brightness 

Sync/ Save

Enabling and disabling the mo on sensor

Factory Reset

