Outlet Water Level
Well Pump
Check Valve
Well Seal
Length of Off-set Line
(add when calculating total
suction lift due to friction)
Slope slightly downward to well
Standing Water Level
(with well pump off)
Pumping Water Level
(with well pump operating)
To Household W
ater System
Foot Valve
1. The illustration below shows an example of a proper
shallow well pump installation. The total suction lift
(vertical well lift and length of off-set line) must not
exceed the maximum suction lift.
2. Install a foot valve at the
bottom of the suction pipe. The
foot valve must be under the
pumping water level (the level
that the water falls to when the
pump operates).
3. Install a sterile well seal at the
top of the suction pipe to keep
the well clean. Protect from rust
inside a frost-proof enclosure.
• This pump is intended for
shallow well application only
and is not intended to be used
as a booster pump.
• For optimal performance, install
the pump as close to the well
head as possible
DO NOT insert fittings into the intake hole farther than 1/2" (12.7 mm); this can DAMAGE the pump, diminish pump
functions, and/or STOP water flow.
Pump Setup Example
4. Intake and discharge pipes must be at least 1" (2.5 cm) in diameter.
5. Lay an off-set line from the well to the structure the pump will be installed in. The
off-set line should slope slightly towards the well as shown in the above illustration.
Systems with longer off-set lines should use larger diameter pipe to improve efficiency.
6. Install the pump on a rigid, level, dry platform. This platform must provide a solid, level
surface that is capable of supporting the weight of the pump and attached piping filled
with water. Do not allow water to contact the pump's housing.
7. Keep the head, the height that the pump discharge must push water before discharge,
to a minimum. The vertical well lift and off-set line length added together must be
smaller than the maximum suction lift, and the head must be smaller than the
maximum delivery height, to have flow at output. Effective flow decreases to 0 GPH as
the delivery height reaches its maximum.
8. For your protection, the power outlet used should have a Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupter (GFCI). Have it installed by a qualified electrician. Keep power line away
from water.
9. The inlet and discharge lines should not be wedged or stressed in a way that puts
strain on the pump. Do not support the pump with the inlet or discharge lines.