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Working in safety
A - Rules of a general character
Preliminary instructions
- always comply with the instructions received from
- always comply with the indications on the stickers
and signs;
- never use machines or systems without authoriza-
tion and never carry out operations and manoeu-
vres that are the competence of others;
- use the safety devices and other means of protec-
tion with care;
- inform your superiors if the safety and protective
means and devices are defective or about any dan-
ger conditions of which you may become aware;
- never remove or modify the safety devices and other
means of protection without having been authori-
zed to do so;
- Let your superiors know immediately about any
accidents you have had or about which you may
have become aware;
- keep your place of work clean and orderly. Keep
the floor clear of any materials that are not strictly
required for the job in hand and prevent greasy or
oily substances from being spilt (clean them up with
absorbent paper if this should occur).
Work clothes
- Do not wear loose clothing that can become cau-
ght up in moving parts or garments that are not ti-
ght at the cuffs;
- do not wear necklaces, rings, bracelets and simi-
- do not clean the garments with inflammable or har-
mful substances, or using compressed air;
- do not wear sandals, slippers, clogs or shoes with
high heels.
Always wear protective clothing (goggles - visors -
gloves - footwear, etc.).
Machines and systems
- Before beginning work, make sure that the guards
and screens are in place, in a good condition and
that the safety devices are functional;
- check the operation of any exhaust or ventilating
systems installed;
- never remove the guards or safety devices from
the machine unless this is strictly necessary and
after having been authorized to do so by your su-
periors, who will also indicate the precautions that
must be taken;
- the protections and safety devices must be fitted
back in place and be re-activated as soon as the
reasons for their having been temporarily removed
have ceased;
- it is forbidden to clean, oil or grease moving parts
of machines and systems by hand.
- it is forbidden to adjust or work on moving parts.
Fig. 7-1