Masport Freestanding Woodstove
Leg and Bottom Shield Assembly
Bottom Shield
Legs (set of 4)
Steel - Painted Black 850-125
Cast - Painted Black
Cast - Gold Plated
The instructions below apply to the steel leg,
painted cast leg and the gold plated cast leg. It
will be easier to attach the legs to the stove if
the stove is tipped on its back (preferably on a
soft surface to prevent scratching). Ensure to
be extremely careful when tipping stove.
1) Remove the 4 bolts from underside of the
base of the pedestal and discard. Also
remove cover plate and put to the side.
2) Line up the heat shield with the bottom of the
3) Start threading the bolt and washer (sup-
plied with the bottom shield) for about 1/4
of the way through the leg with the wash-
ers being underneath the legs. Ensure that
the legs are properly aligned with heat
shield and tighten the bolts.
4) Level the stove by adjusting the levelling
bolts in the bottom of each leg.
5) Reinstall cover plate.
6) Install logo plate onto heat shield by placing
in 2 holes as shown in diagram.
If you are installing outside combustion air,
bend the tabs out 90 degrees. Pipe fresh air into
the bottom shield by using a minimum 4" duct
pipe with a mesh grill at the outside termination.
Attach the pipe to the 2 tabs with screws.
3) Tilt the left baffle up on top of the side
channel and it will leave enough room to
position the right baffle in the same manner
as Step 1) above. Then reposition the left
baffle flat on the air tubes.
4) Important: push both baffles so they
are tight against the side walls.
Note: When getting the chimney cleaned,
push the baffles forward toward
the front of the stove, this should
leave sufficient access to the flue.
If it is not enough space then re-
move the middle air tube (reverse
the procedure in step 1) above),
and baffle and then replace every-
thing when cleaning is completed.
Side View
Front View
Front View
The flue baffle system located in the upper area
of the firebox is removable to make cleaning
your chimney system easier. The baffles must
be installed prior to your first fire. Smoke
spillage and draft problems may occur if
the baffles are improperly positioned.
Check the position of the baffles on a regular
basis as they can be dislodged if too much fuel
is forced into the firebox.
Freestanding Stove
The unit arrives with the 2 baffles on the floor
of the firebox.
1) If all 4 air tubes are installed continue on to
Step 2), if not, follow the instructions below.
Install the air tube into the holes in the side
channels. The notch goes on the right hand
side with the air holes facing toward the
door. Slide the tube into the left hand side, as
far as possible and then bring it back into the
hole on the right hand side until it locks into
position. If the tube will not slide in easily,
simply use a pair of vise grips or pliers and
tap it into place with a hammer. A tighter fit
will ensure the tube will not move when the
unit is burning.
2) Slide the left baffle over the air tubes from
the front and then push it to the back.