Masport Freestanding Woodstove
Diagram 1
Rear Heat Deflector
Assembly for F2401M
The rear heat deflector is supplied with the
stove and must be installed. It stops the heat
radiated from the flue collar from overheating
the rear wall. The rear heat deflector is installed
on top of the rear heat shield, as shown in
diagram 1.
Pedestal Assembly
1) For easier assembly, tip the stove on its
back (onto a soft surface to prevent scratch-
Hint: If you have chosen the Ash Drawer
option, remove the ash dump cover plates
before attaching the pedestal. See page 17
"Ashdrawer Kit Installation".
2) Remove the blanking plate if
a) you are not installing outside combus-
tion air or
b) outside air is to be brought in from the
rear of the stove.
3) Unscrew the 4 bolts in the under-side of the
stove. Align the holes in the corners of the
pedestal top with the corresponding holes
in the base of the stove. Fasten using a bolt
and washer for each corner.
4) Push the Masport logo into the two holes in
the front bottom left corner of the pedestal
cover plate.
Note: Any paint touch up should be done
prior to placing logo on pedestal.
5) If not using ash drawer, then cover plate must
be installed. If using ash drawer, then disre-
gard cover plate.
All units require either the pedestal or 4 legs
attached to the base. The F2401M stove re-
quires the Rear Heat Deflector on top of the
stove. Clearances to combustible materials vary
depending on whether the rear heat deflector
is installed, so be sure to check the clearance