User Manual
40005E (Enhanced Bargraph Indicator)
REF NO: m42B/om/101
Issue No:02
8.4 Watchdog Timer(WDT) / Watchdog Output Operation
The WDT, when enabled, operates from the internal Low-Power RC (LPRC) Oscillator clock source.
The WDT can be used to detect system software malfunctions by resetting the device if the WDT is
not cleared periodically in software. If malfunctioning of device persist even after watchdog reset
device will go into shutdown mode followed by error messages on display as per
. Device
Fault can be monitored by a failsafe relay output which is mapped for watchdog output.
When WDT is disable device will continue to work with fault. The Fault LED will be on in this condition.
Table 28 Error Messages and its Description
Error Messages
Error 1
CPU card EEPROM failure
Error 2
SC 1 card ADC failure
Error 3
SC 1 card EEPROM failure
Error 4
SC 2 card ADC failure
Error 5
SC 2 card EEPROM failure
Error 6
SC 3 card ADC failure
Error 7
SC 3 card EEPROM failure
Error 8
CPU card Controller Hang
– failure
Error 9
Communication between CPU and Display card Failure
Watchdog Relay :
This relay is normally in ON condition and it will be OFF when any
problem occurs with Device.