Mas Grup
General Wırıng Dıagram In Multı-Pump System
11.6. Use of Keypad
This key has two functions. It is reached to the pages where program parameters (F0, F1, F2…) are included by pressing longish
on first page. Another function of it is to exit from the parameter page without saving any changes.
This key has two functions. One of them, by pressing this key longish on the first page, set pressure setting can be made by
connecting set pressure setting parameter directly. Another function of it is to exit from the parameter page without losing any changes.
Used to move the screen or cursor during the parameter setting. When it is on running mode, it allows to be changed values such
as current pressure and current frequency.
Used to change parameter values.
Allows the system to run.
Allows the running system to be stopped.