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Marvin Test Solutions, Inc
1770 Kettering
Irvine, California 92614 USA
T: +1 (949) 263-2222
+1 (949) 263-1203
Installing a GX97028 Replacement Power Supply
This guide describes how to install a GX97028 replacement power supply into MTS GX7000/10,
GX7100/10, GX7200/10, GX7300/10 revision C or higher, GX7600/10 and GX7800 chassis. The
replacement power supply utilizes a 24-Pin ATX plug connector while the MTS backplane for
certain models utilize a 20-Pin ATX socket connector.
Relevant Information
The ATX power supply provided will have a 24-pin connector that will be plugged into the
backplane of the chassis models listed above. The ATX Power Supply Connector (labeled CN1)
depicted in Figure 1 will have pins one through three marked with raised bars on the connector
housing: one bar for pin 1, two bars for pin 2 and three bars for pin 3. On the reverse side of
this connector, you will see the latch and a green control line.
Figure 1:
24 Pin ATX Power Supply Connector (CN1 Front & Back)
Required Equipment
A Phillips and Torx-10 screw driver will be necessary for opening the chassis.
RTV silicone adhesive (DOW 3145 or equivalent) and nylon tie wraps will be necessary to secure
connectors and cables within the chassis.
It may be necessary to obtain a 2-way Internal Power Y splitter cable depending on the chassis
configuration. See step 4 of Installation Process for more details.
It is advised to have the proper ESD equipment during the entire process.