The camshaft goes into cylinder head from distributor gear case
side. Before inserting it, be sure to oil its journals.
Be careful not to leave out the thrust plate (1) when installing the
camshaft. After setting this shaft in place, with its thrust plate prop-
erly fitted, turn the shaft by hand to be sure it rotates smoothly.
Rocker-arm shafts
1) Apply engine oil to rocker arms and rocker arm shafts.
2) Install rocker arms, springs and rocker arm shafts.
The two rocker-arm shafts are identical, there being no need to dis-
tinguish between the two. However, each shaft takes but one posi-
tion in place. See figure.
On the intake side (1), the stepped end (3) comes on camshaft
pulley side (5).
On the exhaust side (2), the stepped end (4) comes on flywheel
side (6).
As to the positions of rocker arms and springs on each rocker-arm
shaft, refer to figure. “Camshaft pulley side” is meant by “1”; “distrib-
utor gear side” by “2”.
When installing rocker-arm shafts, be sure to have valve ad-
justing screws loosened fully but do not remove then.