Operation: Front Panel
(Stereo Rtn)
Mono selects a mono sum of the Stereo Rtn as the monitor source, and can be monitored on the C
monitor of the Main and Alt Monitor Systems, as a phantom center on Nearfield, and on Small Mono.
Console selects the speaker outputs of the mixing console as the monitor source. The inputs for Con-
sole are formatted for LCRS, which can support 4-bus as well as stereo consoles. Console can be
monitored on all four monitor systems.
Note: When MultiMAX is powered up it will automatically default to Console as the selected monitor
The non-destructive solo (APL/AFL/PFL) sense/logic bus of the mixing console may be connected to
the Ext Cntrl: Solo input of MultiMAX EX. Refer to your mixing console manual for details of how to
access the non-destructive solo sense. Refer also to Getting Connected.
(See pages 13-15)
With solo sense connected, enabling Solo in the External Controls: External Solo menu will cause
MultiMAX to automatically select and deselect Console as the monitor source when a non-destructive
solo is activated on the mixing console.
(Production Level)
Production adds a reference-only mono track to the primary Monitor Source. It may be used for scor-
ing sessions for example, to easily play back a production dialog/work track without it being recorded
to a master or reference recorder. Production will be monitored on the C monitor of the Main and Alt
Monitor Systems, and on the Small Mono for both the Nearfield and Small Mono Monitor Systems.
Any adjustment of the Monitor System SPL does not affect Production SPL. Production has its own
level adjust to easily enable the operator to balance between the selected Monitor Source and the Pro-
duction work track.
Note: Press and hold the Production button to allow the Select/Level control to adjust Production SPL. This
does not affect the overall monitor level, and allows the production track to be balanced against any
other selected monitor source. Production SPL can also be set in the Levels: Production to C menu.
(See pg. 49) The optional Remote Control provides a dedicated Production level control knob.