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Logos User's Manual
What amplification should I use with my A/V system?
What amplification should I use with my A/V system?
What amplification should I use with my A/V system?
What amplification should I use with my A/V system?
What amplification should I use with my A/V system?
Unfortunately the most often asked question regarding
amplification is the most difficult to answer and that is
“How much power do I need?” The best advice we can
offer is that you consider that video is very dynamic and
the peak energy demands can last much longer than in
most musical presentations. Therefore it is our recom-
mendation that your A/V amplifiers be at least as large if
not larger than your current audio amplifier.
As for how much power should be available to each
channel compared to the others it is our feeling that the
front three speakers should receive the same amount of
power and the surround speakers at least 75% of the
power available to the front speakers . As discrete digital
surround becomes available all five speakers should
receive the same amount of power.
Should I unplug my Logos during a thunderstorm?
Should I unplug my Logos during a thunderstorm?
Should I unplug my Logos during a thunderstorm?
Should I unplug my Logos during a thunderstorm?
Should I unplug my Logos during a thunderstorm?
Yes. Or before. It’s a good idea to disconnect all of your
audio/video components during stormy weather.
Is there likely to be any interaction between the
Is there likely to be any interaction between the
Is there likely to be any interaction between the
Is there likely to be any interaction between the
Is there likely to be any interaction between the
Logos and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Logos and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Logos and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Logos and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Logos and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Actually, there is less interaction between a television and
an electrostatic speaker than between a television and a
conventional system. The magnets in conventional
speakers do interact with televisions tubes. However, in
the Logos the conventional drivers' magnetic structure
has been physically shielded and the crossover has been
electrically shielded, so there will be no interference with
your television.
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
Could my children, pets, or myself be shocked by the
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
high-voltage present in the electrostatic panel?
No. High voltage with low current is not dangerous. As a
matter of fact, the voltage in our speakers is 10 times
10 times
10 times
10 times
10 times
less than the static electricity that builds up on the
surface of your television screen.
If my child punctured the diaphragm with a pencil,
If my child punctured the diaphragm with a pencil,
If my child punctured the diaphragm with a pencil,
If my child punctured the diaphragm with a pencil,
If my child punctured the diaphragm with a pencil,
stick, or similar item., how extensive would the
stick, or similar item., how extensive would the
stick, or similar item., how extensive would the
stick, or similar item., how extensive would the
stick, or similar item., how extensive would the
damage to the speaker be?
damage to the speaker be?
damage to the speaker be?
damage to the speaker be?
damage to the speaker be?
Our research department has literally punctured hun-
dreds of holes in a diaphragm, neither affecting the
quality of the sound nor causing the diaphragm to rip.
However, you may be able to see the actual puncture
and it can be a physical nuisance. If this is the case,
replacing the electrostatic transducer will be the only
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by leaving my
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by leaving my
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by leaving my
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by leaving my
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by leaving my
speakers plugged in all the time?
speakers plugged in all the time?
speakers plugged in all the time?
speakers plugged in all the time?
speakers plugged in all the time?
Your Logos is equipped with a device we call the signal
sensing circuit. Here's how it works. The signal automati-
cally diminishes the bias voltage of the ESL cell to
conserve energy and prolong the life of the system. If you
like, you can think of it as an attendant who turns off the
lights when you aren't using them. Your Logos doesn't
use much energy anyway (it may cost you about as much
to operate as one 15 watt light bulb) but after five minutes
of the absence of any program material, the circuit will
turn it off.
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or perform-
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or perform-
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or perform-
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or perform-
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or perform-
ance of the Logos?
ance of the Logos?
ance of the Logos?
ance of the Logos?
ance of the Logos?
We recommend that you not place any loudspeaker in
direct sunlight as the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun
can cause deterioration of grill cloth, speaker cones, etc..
Exposures through glass will not cause a problem,
however the heat generated by the sun will age the finish
on the speaker as it would any fine furniture. Martin-
Logan speakers are not recommended for outdoor use.
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems?
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems?
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems?
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems?
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems?
Exposure to excessive contaminants, such as smoke or
dust, may potentially affect the performance of the
electrostatic membrane and may cause discoloration of
the diaphragm membrane.