Page 13
Logos User's Manual
Resonant Surfaces and Objects
Resonant Surfaces and Objects
Resonant Surfaces and Objects
Resonant Surfaces and Objects
Resonant Surfaces and Objects. All of the surfaces and
objects in your room are subject to the frequencies
generated by your system. Much like an instrument,
they will vibrate and “carry on” in syncopation with
the music and contribute in a negative way to the
music. Ringing, boominess, and even brightness can
occur simply because they are “singing along” with
your music.
Resonant Cavities
Resonant Cavities
Resonant Cavities
Resonant Cavities
Resonant Cavities. Small alcoves or closet type areas in
your room can be chambers that create their own
“standing waves” and can drum their own “one note”
Clap your hands. Can you hear an instant echo respond
back? You’ve got near-field reflections. Stomp your foot
on the floor. Can you hear a “boom”? You’ve got standing
waves or large panel resonances such as a poorly
supported wall. Put your head in a small cavity area and
talk loudly. Can you hear a booming? You’ve just experi-
enced a cavity resonance.
Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Rules of Thumb
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces
Hard vs. Soft Surfaces. If the front or back wall of your
listening room is soft, it may benefit you to have a
hard or reflective wall in opposition. As well, the
ceiling and floor should follow the same basic
guideline. However, the side walls should be roughly
the same in order to deliver a focused image.
This rule suggests that a little reflection is good. As a
matter of fact, some rooms can be so “over damped”
with carpeting, drapes and sound absorbers that the
music system can sound dull and lifeless. On the
other hand, rooms can be so hard that the system
can sound like a gymnasium with too much reflection
and brightness. The point is that balance is the
optimum environment.
Breakup Objects
Breakup Objects
Breakup Objects
Breakup Objects
Breakup Objects. Objects with complex shapes, such as
bookshelves, cabinetry, and multiple shaped walls
can help break up those sonic gremlins and diffuse
any dominant frequencies.
Solid Coupling
Solid Coupling
Solid Coupling
Solid Coupling
Solid Coupling. Your loudspeaker system generates
frequency vibrations or waves into the room. This is
how it creates sound. Those vibrations will vary from
20 per second to 20,000 per second. If your speaker
system is not securely planted on the floor or solid
surface, it can shake as it produces sound and,
consequently, the sound can be compromised. If
your speaker is sitting on the carpet and only foot
gliders are used, the bass can be ill defined and even
boomy. The use of spikes is recommended to insure
secured footing for your speakers.