MAC 101 user manual
5. Secure the fixture against clamp failure with a secondary attachment such as an approved safety cable
that is rated for the weight of the fixture using one of the attachment points at the edges of the base (see
“Fixture overview” on page 6). Do not use any other part of the fixture as a safety cable attachment
6. Check that the head will not collide with other fixtures or objects.
Hanging the fixture
In some regions, it may be legal to use two safety cables, one looped through one cable attachment point
(see “Fixture overview” on page 6) and the other looped through the other cable attachment point, to
suspend the fixture. If one cable fails, the other will provide secondary attachment.
However, this suspension method is not recommended as it will not hold the base firmly, and moving pan
and tilt will cause the fixture and light beam to swing uncontrollably. Instead, we strongly recommend
installation using a rigging clamp as described above.
Warning! If you choose to suspend using two cables anyway, you must install a minimum 8.8 grade
steel M12 bolt in the rigging clamp hole in the center of the fixture’s base. See Figure 2. The bolt
must protrude 20 - 30 mm (0.8 - 1.2 ins.) into the base. If you do not secure the base in this way, there
is a risk that the fixture may separate from the base and fall.
Quick-mount surface mounting bracket
Quick-mount surface mounting brackets (P/N 91606017) for the MAC 101 are available from Martin in sets
of 5 brackets. The bracket can be screwed to a surface and the MAC 101 mounted on and removed from the
bracket in seconds. Installation instructions are supplied with the brackets.