14 The
Display mode
These characters show the currently selected display mode:
Bar-graph mode displays twenty-four channels as a bar graph with a resolution of 12.5%.
Whilst the resolution of this mode is limited, it is often the most useful when the DMX line
is running show information. It is easy to pick out chases, which in other display modes
could be mistaken for flickering data.
Decimal mode displays six channels as numbers in the range 0 to 255. This mode shows the
entire resolution of each channel. It is most useful when dealing with moving lights and
color changers.
Percent mode displays six channels as numbers in the range 0 to 100. This mode provides
the most familiar numbering system.
Hexadecimal mode displays six channels as numbers in the range 00 to FF. This mode is
most useful when working with DMX devices such as relay boxes and smoke machines,
which use bit control. See Appendix for conversion tables.
Binary mode displays two channels as both binary and hexadecimal. This mode is most
useful for electronic designers and engineers when solving complex electronic problems such
as a damaged data bus.