To perform a switch test, follow these steps:
1. Change the setup to Setup 4 (default switch test).
Setup 4: The upper display is set to [P1] ST, all other displays are off.
Important NOTE:
The pressure Switch Test can be performed with the following
functions[P1] ST, [P2] ST.
2. Connect the calibrator to the switch using the pressure switch terminals. The polarity
of the terminals does not matter. Then connect the pump to the calibrator and the
pressure switch.
3. Make sure the vent on the pump is open. Zero the calibrator if necessary. Close the
vent after zeroing the calibrator.
4. The top of the display will read “CLOSE”.
Apply pressure with the pump slowly until the switch opens.
Important NOTE:
In the switch test mode the display update rate is increased to help
capture changing pressure inputs. Even with this enhanced sample rate pressurizing the
device under test should be done slowly to ensure accurate readings.
Once the switch is open, “OPEN” will be displayed, bleed the pump slowly until the
pressure switch closes.
At the top of the display it will now read, “SW OPENED AT” and give you the
pressure that the switch opened at.
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